金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 |
阳明海运 | 以星 | 汉堡南美 | 南美轮船 | 中远 | 中海 |
现代商船 | 马士基 | 美国总统 | 地中海航运 | 长荣 | 韩进 |
东方海外 | 中外运 | 日本邮船 | 万海航运 | 商船三井 | 达飞 |
>> 更多 |
业务介绍:UASC offers a comprehensive range of containerized & break bulk services between the Arabian Gulf, Red Sea and the major trade centers of the Far East, Europe, U.S. East Coast and the Indian Subcontinent
Container Services
Service Frequency
AEC (Asia - Europe Container Service)7 Days
MIX (Mediterranean - India Express Service) 7 Days
EMA (Mediterranean - Asia Service) 7 Days
AGX (Asia Gulf Express) 7 Days
AWH (All Water Service) - Asia to US East Coast 7 Days
PDS (North Europe - Far East Pendulum Container Service) 7 Days
ABS (ASIA BLACK SEA Service) 7 Days
RTW (Round The World Service) 7 Days
CMX (China Mediterranean Express Service) 7 Days
Break Bulk Services
These services are designed to cater for project and heavy cargoes as well as general cargo services to carry the growing import/export volumes between the Middle East, Europe, Asia, North America and South America.
Europe - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf
Asia - Arabian Gulf
North America - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf
South America/South Africa - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf - (Breakbulk & Containers)
航线介绍 :该公司经营航线
Europe - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf
Asia - Arabian Gulf
North America - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf
South America/South Africa - Red Sea/Arabian Gulf - (Breakbulk & Containers)