金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 |
阳明海运 | 以星 | 汉堡南美 | 南美轮船 | 中远 | 中海 |
现代商船 | 马士基 | 美国总统 | 地中海航运 | 长荣 | 韩进 |
东方海外 | 中外运 | 日本邮船 | 万海航运 | 商船三井 | 达飞 |
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The Hamburg Süd Group today ranks among the major providers of worldwide ocean transportation and individual, one-source logistics solutions tailored to customer needs. Hamburg Süd employs approximately 3,500 staff. It operates about 145 ships and maintains a global inventory of some 175,000 containers in a wide array of sizes and configurations and strategically positioned to meet the regional and seasonal needs of our customers. Hamburg Süd is part of the successful Oetker Group , one of the largest and best-known family businesses in Germany