金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 |
阳明海运 | 以星 | 汉堡南美 | 南美轮船 | 中远 | 中海 |
现代商船 | 马士基 | 美国总统 | 地中海航运 | 长荣 | 韩进 |
东方海外 | 中外运 | 日本邮船 | 万海航运 | 商船三井 | 达飞 |
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南非海运是经营非洲进出口货物运输最大的集装箱承运人,1996年由两家著名船公司.Safmarine 和CMBT合并组成,并在后来为丹麦A.P.穆勒-马士基集团在1996年6月收购,南非海运在非洲地区的业务已有超过30年的历史。南非海运能够提供中国至南非, 西非, 南美和北美的班轮运输服务. 南非海运将更进一步加强它的服务, 如发展成本更低的,速度更快的和更高效的固定周,日的航线服务, 分别从日本, 韩国,中国和东南亚到南非. 这也是南非海运第一次直挂中国港口, 此举措也反映了对中非贸易前景的信心。南非海运舰队南非航运旗下拥有超过40条自有及租赁船舶,由一支具有专业技能的职业团队进行管理,总舱位数量超过5万标箱。
Safmarine is a well-known, and respected name in international shipping. The company has grown significantly since its formation in 1946 and is today one of the leading north/south operators offering container and breakbulk shipping services to many parts of the world. While widely acknowledged as a north/south trade and Africa specialist, Safmarine is expanding its services into the east/west trade lanes, with many new trade routes having been added to its service network since becoming part of the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group. Safmarine is today represented in more than 130 countries throughout the world, with more than 1200 dedicated Safmariners providing personalised shipping solutions.