金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难
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阳明海运 以星 汉堡南美 南美轮船 中远 中海
现代商船 马士基 美国总统 地中海航运 长荣 韩进
东方海外 中外运 日本邮船 万海航运 商船三井 达飞
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  Compañía Sudamericana de Vapores (CSAV) is a Chilean publicly traded shipping company, presently the largest in Latin America. CSAV, one of the oldest shipping companies in the world, was founded in 1872. At the beginning, the company's activities consisted exclusively of a coasting service, but was soon extended along the West coast of South America up to the Panama Canal, before its opening regular traffic. CSAV then extended the sphere of its activities to the United States and later to Europe, the Far East and Japan, South East Asia/Pacific Islands and east coast of South America. Nowadays it features a comprehensive service for general cargo, bulk cargo, fresh and frozen products and vehicles, using both owned and chartered vessels, and thus establishing a permanent link between the Atlantic and Pacific coast of South America, and the rest of the world. Increasing trade between different regions of the world has become essential for the present and future development of all countries and others economic welfare; accordingly, CSAV has seized the opportunities generated by international maritime trade, readily adapting its services to the customer's requirements and establishing new routes and services, thus conveniently and efficiently linking Latin America with the most vital ports of the world. CSAV, operating across the five continents, offers its so called "line" or regular services, by means of which it provides permanent sailings from certain ports, fixed itineraries and suitable vessels able to convey a large number of containers and a wide variety of conventional cargoes. Likewise, the shipping Company owns vessels specially designed for frozen cargo, cars, bulk cargo and forest products. An intermodal service, which combines different means of carriage, has also been established by the Company, besides other complementary operations such as storage areas and pier services, etc. This "door to door" service, to any destination, is normally carried out jointly with CSAV's subsidiaries: Sudamericana Agencias Aéreas y Marítimas S.A. SAAM, (South American Air and Shipping Agency), as a maritime forwarding agency, and COSAN, a container terminal in Santiago. The Company's philosophy is mainly directed to the attainment of a top quality service for its customers, providing timely and efficient measures to assist them in improving their foreign trade operations, offering all its shipping facilities, technology and services, and ensuring the reliable transportation of their products to and from all the main areas of the world.
