金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 |
阳明海运 | 以星 | 汉堡南美 | 南美轮船 | 中远 | 中海 |
现代商船 | 马士基 | 美国总统 | 地中海航运 | 长荣 | 韩进 |
东方海外 | 中外运 | 日本邮船 | 万海航运 | 商船三井 | 达飞 |
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Samudera Shipping Line Ltd ("Samudera") was incorporated in Singapore in 1993. The Company was converted into a public company on 2nd October 1997 when its shares got listed and quoted on SESDAQ. Following an approval from the Singapore Exchange, its shares have been transferred from SESDAQ to the Main Board, where Samudera's shares are now listed and quoted since July, 2000. Samudera is a regional Container Shipping line serving the Middle East and the lndian Sub-continent in the west, South East Asia and Indo-China at the center and the Far East to the north. This extensive network of services is run from its headquarters in Singapore, with able support from its own offices in Dubai and Mumbai for the Middle East and the lndian Sub-continent operations, Bangkok, Klang and Jakarta for the South East Asia and Indo-China operations, and Shanghai for the Far East operations.