金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 | 金融风暴引发的全球性经济危机,犹如一场突如其来的灾难 |
阳明海运 | 以星 | 汉堡南美 | 南美轮船 | 中远 | 中海 |
现代商船 | 马士基 | 美国总统 | 地中海航运 | 长荣 | 韩进 |
东方海外 | 中外运 | 日本邮船 | 万海航运 | 商船三井 | 达飞 |
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CCNI is a Chilean shipping company that has operated in the marine transport services area since 1930, when it began operating shipping line services joining both coasts of South America. Today services involving different types of cargo have extended worldwide, with operations in North America, Central America, South America, the Gulf and the Caribbean, Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Far East with regular services in every main port of call, and extended services with efficient feeder line transhipments and intermodal tools for inland areas, creating a powerful transportation network, for all kinds of cargoes: Containers (dry, reefer & frozen goods) Break bulk (copper, lumber products) Vehicles CCNI乫s philosophy is customer oriented. We are constantly searching for innovative ways to satisfy customer requirements providing the highest levels of satisfaction. We have a highly experienced group of people who are regularly trained, in accordance with laws and regulations and our efforts are aimed at preserving the environment. CCNI丩s most important issues are customer service and providing the best internal and external processes. For these reasons, we have been developing web-based solutions to facilitate business making it easier, faster and better using useful on-line tools as required, 24 hours a day.